Hydrostatic drive maintenance exercise
Suggested exercises and observations
Follow the suggested exercises below using the virtual test rig above.
Maintenance tasks
1. Select the 'How hydrostatic drives work' button from the menu screen, if you are not already on the circuit screen.
2. Select dropdown 7 (Learn how to check and maintain components)
♦ Explore the maintenance requirements for each component by placing the mouse-over it or clicking on each symbol.
3. Select dropdown 8 (Drag icons to identify regular maintenance checks)
♦ What items require DAILY maintenance checks?
♦ Drag the correct test device over the item you think should be tested.
♦ The correct instrumentation is displayed for a few seconds at the start of the exercise.
♦ Be careful not to go over other items.
♦ Your score is shown on the right-hand side.
4. Select dropdown 9 (Drag icons to identify planned maintenance checks)
♦ What items require PLANNED maintenance checks?
♦ Drag the correct test device over the item you think should be tested.
♦ The correct instrumentation is displayed for a few seconds at the start of the exercise.
♦ Be careful not to go over other items.
♦ Your score is shown on the right-hand side.
5. Select dropdown 10 (Learn how to set up and commission equipment)
♦ Explore the maintenance requirements for each component by placing the mouse-over it or clicking on each symbol.
Experiment 1: Maintenance requirements and procedures can vary widely between different applications.
Question 1: What is the first common factor required by all written procedures?
Experiment 2: Maintenance procedures might include startup, shutdown as well as fault reporting procedures.
Question 2: Do companies still need to train their employees if they have written procedures to follow?
Experiment 3: The maintenance recording procedure is an important part of the overall plan.
Question 3: Why is it important to record all work done?
Diagnostic exercises - can you identify the faults
6. Select dropdown 11 (Diagnose the CLUNKING NOISE when changing direction)
♦ Drag each instrument over the components to display their test results in the text above the circuit.
♦ Consider what the instrument tells you and assess the cause of the fault. Don't just report the fault itself.
♦ Explain how you would repair the fault or prevent the failure happening.
7. Select dropdown 12 (Diagnose a high reservoir and case drain temperature)
♦ Drag each instrument over the components to display their test results in the text above the circuit.
♦ Consider what the instrument tells you and assess the cause of the fault. Don't just report the fault itself.
♦ Explain how you would repair the fault or prevent the failure happening.
8. Select dropdown 13 (Diagnose the cavitation cracking sounds at the pumps)
♦ Drag each instrument over the components to display their test results in the text above the circuit.
♦ Consider what the instrument tells you and assess the cause of the fault. Don't just report the fault itself.
♦ Explain how you would repair the fault or prevent the failure happening.