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Filter Testing

Experiment with hydraulic filters

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Hydraulic filter test

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Suggested exercises and observations

1. Select drop-down menu 6 'Contamination control'. Click the question mark (?) and sound button for additional advice.

♦ Operate the cylinder by clicking on the directional valve below it.

♦ Observe how the contamination comes in from the pump, cylinder and air breather.

♦ Use the off-line pump slidebar to increase the flow from the pump.

♦ Observe how the offline filters remove the contamination.

♦ Note how the dirt particles keep building if the fluid is not filtered and cleaned.

Experiment 1: Over 80% of hydraulic failures are caused by contamination.

Question 1: How is fluid kept clean while a system is running?

Filter elements clean the fluid while the system is running and fluid passes through them. While stationary the fluid must be passed through offline filters to keep it clean. Systems are generally cleaned by flushing the fluid before they are first started.

Experiment 2: Filters can be located in the suction, pressure, return or offline pipework.

Question 2: Which is the best location for a filter?

Optimum filtration depends on the environment, application, duty cycles, fluid and service facilities etc. Every application and even location will be different.

Experiment 3: Air breathers sometimes contain filter elements and sometimes they don't.

Question 3: Should air breathers always contain a filter element?

It would certainly be better if they did although if it's a motor circuit there will be little air transfer so little benefit. Otherwise only lower cost and shorter lifecycle products do not include air filters.