Hydraulic filter test
Suggested exercises and observations
1. Select drop-down menu 6 'Contamination control'. Click the question mark (?) and sound button for additional advice.
♦ Operate the cylinder by clicking on the directional valve below it.
♦ Observe how the contamination comes in from the pump, cylinder and air breather.
♦ Use the off-line pump slidebar to increase the flow from the pump.
♦ Observe how the offline filters remove the contamination.
♦ Note how the dirt particles keep building if the fluid is not filtered and cleaned.
Experiment 1: Over 80% of hydraulic failures are caused by contamination.
Question 1: How is fluid kept clean while a system is running?
Experiment 2: Filters can be located in the suction, pressure, return or offline pipework.
Question 2: Which is the best location for a filter?
Experiment 3: Air breathers sometimes contain filter elements and sometimes they don't.
Question 3: Should air breathers always contain a filter element?