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Learning Record Store (LRS)

Learn how our Learning Record Store posting works

What is a Learning Record Store (LRS)

Learning Management Systems (LMS) organise the training delivery and records of students or employees.

Engineering Adventures software posts the results from our courses in a standard xAPI format that should then show up your company LMS or LRS. No one else, including ourselves, will see or save copy of this data.

If you don't have a company or college LRS then simply search for one of the many suppliers online. Here is a link to free versions from Yet Analytics and Watershed LRS.

How our learing record store posting works

What individual programs data posts mean


The session results are stored against the title of each quiz. Once correct a question disappears but students can get the same question wrong several times and each no would be counted.

The score scaled percentage value and number of questions correct (Raw) gives the best measure of performance. Score Raw is the number correct, score scaled is correct over correct plus wrong.

Not all questions can always be counted, because students are only given questions below, at, and above their skill level. They are given new questions as they improve their skill level so they would have to start from zero and progress the skill level 6 to see and answer them all. It they start at skill level 3 they may only get 50% off the total questions available.

Key Fundamentals Tutorials

The session results are stored against 'microtutor' and the tutorial name.

The verb display and skill level give the best overview as this provides a measure of the amount of tutorial completed and the number of correct quick quiz answers. Not the skill level at all.

Just looking at each frame of the presentation is counted as one Raw score. The skill level is the number of questions that are correct as there are just a few simple questions at the end of each tutorial.

Circuit Simulation Program

The session results are stored against 'simulate' and the circuit name.

The time duration, Yes, No, and Skill numbers give the best overview of how much work has been done. Score Raw = solenoid clicks. Score Scaled = indicates how many gauges were clicked (1=none, 0.5 = the same number as solenoid clicks). Skill = Setup box clicks. The time spent in each circuit is shown by the duration.

The Max. Score is either 100 or the total clicks if higher. The Verb display simply reflects the ratio towards 100 clicks.

Virtual Hydraulic Test Rigs

The session results are stored against each frame name e.g. 'Testrig_fundament' for the valve fundamentals training.

The time duration, Yes, numbers give the best overview of how much work has been done. Score Raw = the number clicks on solenoids, controls, or menus etc. The Skill Level is fixed on each screen. The time spent in each screen is shown by the duration.

The Max. Score is either 100 or the total clicks if higher. The Verb display simply reflects the ratio towards 100 clicks.

Skid-steer excavator

The session results are stored as 'skidsteer_' and then the frame name plus the section within the frame. Results are calculated as follows:

Drive - Avoiding boxes: Raw number is total boxes hit. Therefore low is good.

System - Operating equipment: Raw number is total button clicks with a nominal 100 total. There are no tasks to score against other than exporing.

System - Identifying equipment: Raw number counts the correctly identified components. The scale measures the percentage that were wrong.

Circuit - Learn components: Raw number counts the correctly identified components. The scale measures the percentage that were wrong.

Circuit - Maintain system: Raw number counts the correctly identified components. The scale measures the percentage that were wrong.

Circuit - Diagnose faults: Raw number gets 10 points when the fault is correctly identified or one incorrect point each time it's wrong.

I all of the above the skill is set for the experience required for each task and the max. score is just a close, nominal round number.